Music Lessons

For more information about Music at Dunnington Primary School, please see our Music Development Plan on the Policies and Documents page.

If your child is in Year 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, they are now eligible for instrumental tuition and there are a number of opportunities for them to learn a musical instrument and take music lessons in school, during the school day.

Please follow the links below to see what tuition we have to offer and find out further details and costs. You can also enroll your child for music lessons via the links if you wish.

If you have any questions about instrumental tuition, please see Mrs Bradley.

Brass Tuition – Mr I. Chalk (York Music Service)

[email protected]

  • Trumpet
  • Cornet
  • Flugal Horn
  • Trombone

Mr Chalk also runs our ‘P-Buzz’ instrumental group.

Violin/Recorder TuitionMiss Imogen Clarke    

[email protected]

  • Violin
  • Recorder

Singing/Keyboard Tuition- Ms Jo-Anne Trevenna

07729 388372

  • Singing
  • Keyboard