Useful Weblinks

This page will always need a little updating, so if you know of any good websites to enhance Y6 learning, tell us about them and we can start to update this page to make it even more useful.  Here are some to to get you started.

SATS the fun way:

Here is the glossary for grammar terms:

Grammar in the new national curriculum

And this is the requirements for each year group:

Grammar requirements in each year group

This is the spelling glossary. It covers every year group: Year Six have to be able to do the lot!  But you can scroll right to the end to see what will be specifically taught in Y5/6.

Spelling glossary

Here are some websites which offer a range of things to do with maths…

 Here are some websites which offer a range of things to do with English…

Activities to Promote

  • Reading for pleasure
  • Keeping a diary
  • Writing explanations
  • Creating PowerPoint presentations for areas of interest.
  • Writing a newspaper report for an event they have been to
  • Writing a biography for a family member
  • Finding out a new word every day

Places to visit

  • The theatre
  • Library
  • Book shops – author signings