Welcome back everybody! It’s been lovely seeing some of you at school and for those children working from home, I have so enjoyed seeing all your lovely photographs and videos. Here is your home learning for the week and if you will be in school, we will supplement this with other activities.
HANDWRITING I am very pleased with how well you are all coming on with your handwriting. Please practise this set of letters, as they are all formed in the same way. h m n p . Remember p hangs below the line. WATCH MY SEESAW VIDEO http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/skyWriter/index.html
WRITING, PHOTOGRAPHY, ART AND SCIENCE This week we are exploring textures. Go for a hunt inside and outside and use your hands! Feel the wonderful textures of things around you! Take some photographs of things which have interesting textures and send them to me on Seesaw. Can you also use some wonderful adjectives to describe what you can feel? Here is a Texture Hunt worksheet for you to complete. You could do one for outside and one for inside, or , if you don’t have a printer, just do them in your homework book.
Mini-book Challenge-Make a little book about textures. Write two sentences about each object you find and remember those adjectives! When you have written your sentences, read them to a grown up. Perhaps you could video this and send to me on Seesaw.
Look at these photographs. Can you guess what they are? I wonder what those things would feel like? I wonder what their texture would be?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgjNbDyIfsQ Here is a video about textures.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDVS9XSqt90 Well, there seems to be a song for every occasion! I hope you enjoy watching this and learning more about textures.
Collage- Collect objects with different textures and either stick them down on paper as a collage or just lay them out artistically. How are you going to arrange them?
Textured Paint- If you have paint at home, try mixing some with different ingredients, such as porridge, soil, sand or anything else you can think of. If you don’t have paint, maybe just mix your ingredients with water and add some food colouring. Paint a lovely picture with your textured paint! Good luck parents! Question-What has each ingredient done to the paint? Why do you think that has happened?
Revision- Keep practising these digraphs and trigraphs. You could print them out and use as flashcards if you like. You may enjoy these Phase 3 phonic games. Print out the flashcards or look at them on the screen, but practise them regularly
Phonic Bloom Game https://www.phonicsbloom.com/uk/game/alien-escape?phase=3
Vowels and Consonants. Here are some songs to help us learn which letters in our alphabet are vowels. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEbaEXf6BqMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TjcT7Gto3U
Book Challenge Choose a book and do a vowel tally. I wonder which vowel you find the most of?
Names Vowel Challenge. Write out your name and the names of your family members, your friends and your toys. Underline the vowels in the names.
Consonant blends Here is a useful video for adults , to help you when you are reading with your children. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVw2SvXQX7Y
Consonant Blend Sound Mat, to help with reading and writing
MATHS This week we are focusing on money and counting in fives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amxVL9KUmq8
Make a shop Collect some items from around your hose to make a little pretend shop. Put a price tag on your items. At first, just up to the value of 10p. If you find this easy, go up to 20p with mixed coins. You will need these coins- 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p . Begin with counting just 1p coins and then start mixing coins. WATCH MY SEESAW VIDEO. Show me how you buy items on Seesaw
MUSIC AND ART PROJECT We would like to invite you to be part of this exciting project led by yorkartseducation. They are currently engaged in a project with the York Youth Orchestra – recording a new video performance of Hall of The Mountain King by Grieg which they hope to have completed by the end of the summer term. Please see the attached details.
R.E Creation and care for the World. Look again at the Christian and Hindu creation stories and compare them. In both stories, we see a beautiful created world . We need to look after out world. Talk with a grown up about ways in which we can protect our planet and then tell me on Seesaw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teu7BCZTgDs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whEVO4RfnSE