Year 1 Home Learning- W.B 30.3.2020

Hello Year 1! I do hope you’re all well and enjoying your home learning. There are lots of new activities to work on this week as well as those continuous activities on the main page. To help those without access to printers or computers I have tried to include as many alternatives as possible this week to help fit a range of circumstances. I do hope this helps and you all are all keeping well.


I’ve selected two sounds for recapping this week the ow/ou (note this ow makes two sounds as in clown and snow – it’s worth noting this to the children) and the oi/oy sounds. Below are some activities you could print, use on screen or write out, and some alternative ideas alongside this.

  1. Try out the phoneme spotter below (a longer one first or a quick one on pg 3) – print it out and children find and highlight all the words with the ow/ou sound or just read it on screen and get them to tell you when they spot one.
  2. Have a go at the word sort below – print or write out your own. You could make this more exciting by hiding them around the house first or you could do double copies and make it into a pairs matching game (tip if you’re writing your own words: ensure the words you pick do make those sounds, there will be some exceptions however if you think they need a challenge you could include this trick).
  3. Complete the oi/oy spelling activity below or make your own getting your child to put the words into sentence.
  4. Print and play oi/oy snakes and ladders below or use this idea to make your own oi/oy game – you could put words on a twister mat or say they have to pick up a word card every time they reach a new square on a normal snakes and ladders board. Alternatively get them to make their own game!


1.Create an acrostic poem using the letters E A S T E R to describe this time of year. Can you use exciting adjectives?

2.Write a poem in following repeated structure:

If I were an Easter bunny…

If I were an Easter bunny…

If I were an Easter bunny

3.Create a quiz about Easter or plants. You could research facts first on the internet or just use what you know. Why not turn it into a family quiz night?


With all children’s writing get them to check back for full stops/ question marks, capital letters, lead ins on handwriting and check spellings are phonetically plausible (i.e. not necessarily correct on harder words but using the correct phonics so it can be sounded out). They have practised re-reading their own work and many can spot their own mistakes with only limited prompts.


Measurement Activities:

  1. Weight challenge: Choose two objects. Which is heavier? Which is lighter? Can you be a human weighing scale? Now use the weighing scale to check. Can they record their results using the language ‘heavier than’ ‘lighter than’ ‘equal to’?
  2. Pose this reasoning challenge to your child: I’m thinking of an object. It is heavier than a pencil, but lighter than a dictionary. What object could I be thinking of? Prove it. How many objects can you think of? (You could record their finding in their home learning books).
  3. Pose this reasoning challenge: “The tallest container holds the most liquid” says Cheddar. Is this always true, sometimes true or never true? Can you prove it?

Times Table Activities:

Note: At this stage children are still working on counting up in 2s, 5s and 10s – the introduction of the multiply symbol is not something they are familiar with and the learning for this will follow shortly

  1. Continue to practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s at home. You could do it while throwing an catching a ball to make it more active or write out all the numbers in one times table to 12 and get them to jump on the pieces of paper in order. Need an extra challenge: start them half way through – can they go backwards?
  2. Have a go at some of these activities (if you can’t print them lots of these things could be handwritten out in a similar fashion).
  3. Have a go at practising on the following websites:


  1. Do the weeds with the longest roots have the longest leaves? Explore this question with a home experiment. Why not draw a table to record your results and practise your measuring skills along the way.
  2. Undertake a plant dissection – can you name the different parts? You could draw a picture when you’re finished and label the parts.


Please see below the new list of spellings for this week which will recap last week’s phonic sound.


In KS1, children should be able to produce a map of their own area and know the points of a compass and how to use a simple key.

Create a bird’s eye view plan of your garden.  Create a key and see if you can position the compass points N, S, E and W.   (Never, Eat, Shredded, Wheat)

Can you label NE, SE, SW and NW?  (We did this in class just recently)

Can you now add a grid to your plan so that you have squares over it? 

Label the squares along the bottom and the squares going up. 

You can now write some questions for each other and find out the coordinates for things in your garden.  (Remember ‘Along the corridor and up the stairs’ to get the coordinates the right way around)

Eg  In what square is the big tree? 

      In what square is the shed? 

      What squares does the lawn cover?  

Following on from this, you could write a set of directions to travel from one place in the garden to another.  Think like you are coding someone to walk from one place to another (this is an excellent link to Computing). 

Eg.  From the shed move forward 3 squares.  Right turn 90 degrees.  Move forward 2 squares.  Now where are you?